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Entrepreneurs often neglect to offer proper appreciation to their employees. Be a good boss! Paying your staff to do their job might be the core sign of respect, but it doesn’t eliminate the need for recognition, praise, and thanks.

A study conducted by Journal of Business and Economics shows numerous ways in which staff appreciation benefits your company.

Devoting the time to thinking about showing your staff how thankful you are for all of their hard work is imperative. Employees are an essential part of the growth of any business, so it’s vital to show them your appreciation. Traditionally, promotions, bonuses, and certificates are the first thing employers think of when it comes to staff appreciation.

But, putting a little more effort and organizing an event that would leave your staff feeling warm, happy and appreciated for a while is a much better idea. In today’s modern world, people want to see you’ve put effort to make them feel good, and breaking out from the traditional corporate ways is becoming imperative for many companies.

A Fun Boss is a Good Boss

Get creative thinking of ways to make this event fun before it even begins. Planning an event without actually appreciating your employees outside the event isn’t much of a plan. For example, ask your employees to bring their pets to work on specific days. Find some time for fun team-building, schedule off-site activities, use social networking and the power of technology to interact with your employees and brighten their work days. Create Facebook polls about their favorite things to do so you know what they would enjoy most. Host a contest on Instagram for the best desk photo, then hand out some attractive prizes for the winners. Be a creative boss and make it fun.


Surprise Them

In case you already have a tradition of throwing a party for your employees in a certain way – change it up! Your staff might be anticipating the same thing year after year so instead of repeating something you’ve done numerous times in the past, take the time to surprise them. Host an event or a celebration they don’t see coming. Use the insights social media grants you to plan the perfect party all of your employees are going to enjoy. Prepare gifts or handwritten notes of thanks for your staff. Include a fantastic band to cover the event, and make sure there is enough delicious food and drinks for everyone. A good boss gives good prizes.

A Thank You is Always Welcome!

In case you already have a tradition of throwing a party for your employees in a certain way – change it up! Your staff might be anticipating the same thing year after year so instead of repeating something you’ve done numerous times in the past, take the time to surprise them. Host an event or a celebration they don’t see coming. Use the insights social media grants you to plan the perfect party all of your employees are going to enjoy. Prepare gifts or handwritten notes of thanks for your staff. Include a fantastic band to cover the event, and make sure there is enough delicious food and drinks for everyone.

Make sure you do your research in advance so you know what sort of outings or gifts would be most appreciated by your employees.

We Can Help

At Bright Ideas Events, we’ve hosted numerous staff appreciation events, including farewell events for our clients who want to show gratitude towards staff members who are about to retire. Our Fairway of Flavors party was a great success in the form of a unique, customized buffet that had guests enduring in excellent food and drinks at four themed food stations. The evening was both casual and upscale, and the guests had the opportunity to mingle in a beautiful setting, with fun entertainers and a fantastic atmosphere.

If you’re thinking about hosting the most unforgettable appreciation party to thank your employees for all their hard work, contact us so we can come up with the perfect idea that fits your company perfectly!

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