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If you’re trying to run a business these days, you’re going to need a social media presence. If you only have a Facebook or a Twitter account that you barely update, or delegate all your social media to an unpaid intern, then you need to read this. Social media has become the most cost-effective marketing tool out there and if you’re not going to take advantage of it, your competitors will. I know our business has grown exponentially since we took an active role in our Social Media Marketing.

If done correctly, we have found that social media has helped us in the following ways.

1. Attracting New Clients

By creating a greater presence for your company online, you will increase the likeliness of an individual coming across it. Customers who have enjoyed our products and services can also share our content with their friends and social circles, giving our brand much greater reach.

Different social media platforms will have different audiences, so understanding your target demographic is key to actually reaching them. It’s also important to know which social media platforms to focus on; you don’t need to be on every single social platform.

2. Strengthened Our Bond With Existing Clients

Social media is all about making personal connections. A customer who is constantly given information and updates about a business is more likely to be loyal. By seeing our brand more frequently through social media, our company is more likely to remain “top-of-mind” when the customer is making a purchase decision in the future. At least this is what we have found.

3. Build Your Brand

“Branding” used to be a very expensive proposition. You would have to invest thousands of dollars in marketing and publicity to frequently reach your audience and gain status as an expert in your field.

Social media allows you to get this kind of attention and position yourself as an expert at a fraction of the cost. Although social media (Facebook in particular) is becoming more expensive as it reaches critical mass, it is still far more inexpensive compared to other forms of advertising such as print, radio or television. We have discovered that nowadays, Instagram is more popular than Facebook, which is worth noting as many businesses do not even have a presence on Instagram.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Google has effectively become the new ‘Yellow Pages’. Turning up in the first results of Google is one of the single most beneficial things that can happen for your business, and social media can make this happen. The more people are talking about your business and sharing your content, the more prominently you will appear on Google. The old days of depending on good SEO are long gone.

5. Research and Learn About Your Target Market

Social media sites encourage users to post their hobbies and passions. This allows businesses to learn more about their customers. Personal information has become harder to access through numerous privacy scandals, but you should still be able to get a good idea about a person’s interests and habits from the types of things they talk about on social media. This person could be the door to your next sale, so start to pay attention to what they like and dislike.

In keeping with the above blog topic, we invite you to connect with us on all of our social media channels.


And if you would like to keep up with our instant news, subscribe to our RSS Feed

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We love Social Media and are sure once you start using it for your business, you will see the results as we have. It’s not that difficult.  Just start with a few manageable channels and have a little fun with it.  You’ll be surprised at how many of your clients are using social media.  I know we were.


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